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Law & Advocacy Program Webinars & Videos 

Employment Laws for Minors in Alberta Pt 3


Can you get into gainful employment as a minor under 18 years old in Alberta, Canada? What rules apply to you and your employer?

Employment Laws for Minors in Alberta Pt 2


Can you get into gainful employment as a minor under 18 years old in Alberta, Canada? What rules apply to you and your employer?

Employment Laws for Minors in Alberta


Can you get into gainful employment as a minor under 18 years old in Alberta, Canada? What rules apply to you and your employer?

Cannabis at the Workplace



Can you use cannabis at the workplace? Find out more in this educational video.

Cannabis and Driving Pt 2

在阿尔伯塔省哪项法例治理障碍驾驶? Pt 2


Can you use cannabis and then drive a vehicle? What if you don't even feel high? Find out more in this educational video.

Cannabis and Driving Pt 1

在阿尔伯塔省哪项法例治理障碍驾驶? Pt 1


Can you use cannabis and then drive a vehicle? What if you don't even feel high? Find out more in this educational video.

Webinar: Immigration Law & Employment Rights for Ukrainian Newcomers by Anzhela Said

Юридичний семінар: імміграційне право та трудові права для новоприбулих українців


Ukrainian language legal information Webinar to address employment rights and immigration law issues that Ukrainian newcomers in Canada may have.

Video Drama: Furnace Scam

網上短片: 暖爐詐騙


A short video drama that illustrates the dangers of signing contracts that you do not understand.

Video Drama: Mediation Service

網上短片: 調解服務


A short video drama that illustrates how families can utilize mediation services.

Family Drama 3: Child Support & Spousal Support

家庭法話劇(三): 撫養費及贍養費


A short video drama that illustrates conflicts regarding child support and spousal support.

Family Drama 2: Custody

家庭法話劇(二): 撫養權


A short video that illustrates the conflict surrounding children's custody.

Family Drama 1: Divorce

家庭法話劇(一): 離婚


A short video that illustrates the conflict surrounding divorce.

Serving the Calgary area for over 40 years, Diversecities is a charitable organization on a mission to make social mobility accessible for Calgarians.

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Diversecities is located in the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina, and the Iyarhe Nakoda. The City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation.

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@2023 Diversecities All Rights Reserved | Diversecities is a registered Canadian charity, BN / Registration Number 891098592 RR 0001

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