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Newcomer's Group (10 Weeks Program)
Newcomer's Group (10 Weeks Program)

Every Tuesday, Tentativel from Mid-October


Diversecities Office

Newcomer's Group (10 Weeks Program)

Newcomer's Group is a duration of 10 weeks with 3 different languages, English, Cantonese and Mandarin. No matter you move from other provinces or from other country to Calgary, we want to provide educational and informational knowledge about provincial and federal services and benefits.

Time & Location

Every Tuesday, Tentativel from Mid-October

Diversecities Office, 1406 Centre St N, Calgary, AB T2E 2R9, Canada

About the Event

Bridge Program is launching Newcomer's Group for everyone to join. This group will run 10 weeks in duration. The tentative start date will be end of September.   We are planning to have this group in three different languages, Cantonese, Mandarin, English providing this group to clients who speak different languages. The topics that will include in this group are Services from Provincial and Federal governments such as transportations, Alberta Healthcare, Registry, etc., Job Searching Tips and information, Employment Insurance and Immigration related questions. We will invite relevant and professional guest speakers for some of the topics above and want to provide some educational and informational knowledge to participants. By participating in this group, we also want participants to learn from the content and better integrate into local and Canadian lives without language and cultural barriers. We are open to hear from you if you have other topics that would like to learn more.  If you want to join or your friends want to join, please go on the sign-up website or call us a t403-265-8446.

新移民小组开始啦!不管你从其他省份或其他国家来, 我们希望通过这个为期10周的新移民小组去帮助大家更好融入本地文化和生活。我们现在暂定的话题会有亚省和联邦政府的服务,交通,医疗卡信息,登记处办理事务, 常见找工作的tips 和资讯, Employment Insurance(包括失业救助金和疾病金), 与移民相关的信息。不同话题旨会由专业人士教授, 为日后做足准备。通过这个小组,我都希望帮助大家扩大社交圈子,提供一个交流意见的平台。如果你有其他话题你想了解,欢迎提出,我们会收集意见,如需求大,有机会举办相关议题的活动。有兴趣请到以下网址 登记或致电403-265-8446.

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Diversecities (卡城華人社區服務中心)是一個慈善機構,已為卡城華人服務超過40年,其使命是協助所有卡城市民享受適當的社會服務。

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卡城華人社區服務中心位於Niitsitapi(黑腳)的傳統領土。艾伯塔省南部條約7地區人民,其中包括Siksika,Piikani,Kainai,Tsuut’ina和Iyarhe Nakoda。卡爾加里市也是Métis民族的所在地。

@ 2021 Diversecities 保留所有權利 | Diversecities是已註冊的加拿大慈善機構,BN / 註冊號 891098592 RR 0001

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