|Online (ZOOM)
Digital Literacy Exchange program
The Digital Literacy Exchange program supports the Government of Canada’s Innovation and Skills Plan. Part of this plan aims to facilitate and encourage the participation of underrepresented groups in the digital economy by investing in initiatives that provide them with the necessary digital tools,
Time & Location
2022年1月17日 19:00 – 2022年2月18日 23:00
Online (ZOOM)
About the Event
卡城華人社區服務中心將舉辦不同形式免費的資訊科技班,希望能讓大家對家中電子產品認識更多,當中包括蘋果(Apple)的 iPad,安卓(Android)的平板電腦(Tablet)及各種牌子的智能手機等等。
基礎班/ 中階班/ 高級班
每級課程時間為十堂。因為參加者數量眾多,有興趣人仕請先行來電註冊,具體開課日期及時間由任課老師再課前告知學員。請自行攜帶 iPad 或平板電腦參加課程。
地點:Zoom(網絡課程)費用全免(廣東話及普通話授課),疫情後,也將開設線下課。查詢及報名請致電403-265-8446 (Steven)
Innovation and technological progress is creating tremendous change, and as a result, digital skills are increasingly relevant—in school, at home and in the workplace. This is true for Canadians of every age, background, education level and employment status.
While 83% of Canadians use the internet (Canadian Internet Use Survey 2012), there are still groups who are newly involved with, or haven't fully discovered the benefits of being online. It is important to support these groups to ensure no one is left behind in the digital economy.
The Digital Literacy Exchange program will support not-for-profit organizations in the delivery of digital literacy training initiatives for Canadians who need improved skills and confidence in using computers and the Internet. This will enable all Canadians to participate in – and benefit from - a connected and digitally engaged society.
Diversecities’s “Technology Engagement Program” will deliver customized digital literary skills training in northeast Calgary and the Chinatown area. The initiative will help under-represented groups increase their usage of the Internet, computers and mobile devices in a safe and effective manner.