|Online Event
AHS COVID-19 Community Conversation for Alberta's Cantonese Community
Members of Alberta’s Chinese Community are invited to a virtual COVID-19 Community Conversation to discuss COVID-19 and vaccine safety.
Time & Location
2021年4月15日 19:00 – GMT-6 20:30
Online Event
About the Event
Dr. Cheri Nijssen-Jordan, Vaccine Task Force Co-Lead & Paediatrician, in partnership with the Alliance of Calgary Community Ethnic Support Society (ACCESS) and Calgary Chinatown Lions Club and Diversecities, invites you to a virtual conversation on April 15, 2021 from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. 活動時間: 2021 年 4 月 15 日,晚 7 點 - 8 點 30 分
While the presentation will be made in English, Cantonese translation services will be available. 本次活動是由卡城社區支援協會,卡城華埠獅子會及卡城華人社區服務中心聯合舉辦。活動將以英語進行, 現場將提供翻譯服務。
Please feel free to submit any questions you may have when you register, or email them to us at Community.Engagement@ahs.ca. This will help us to design a presentation that reflects your key concerns. 報名時,歡迎提出任何問題,或將問題發送至電子郵箱 Community.Engagement@ahs.ca. 這樣 有助於我們規劃這次講座,並能反映出您的關注